What is a Strong Lab?

We are passionate about working with strong labs and helping in any way we can to make strong labs even stronger.

Here’s a tick list of the attributes we have observed from the strong labs we have been proud to serve.

Strong labs:

  •  Plan ahead.

  • Seize evolving opportunities from new lab protocols and tech breakthroughs.

  • Run on unbiased, objective knowledge, from an independent expert sources.

  • Maximize new client relationships profitably.

  • Have a vibrant culture of proven “best practices,” supported by lab managers, partners, and employees.

  • Are the frontline of the defense against health-related and environmental threats nationally, and even globally.

  • Deliver safety, quality, and cost-effectiveness in all aspects of the business.

  • Communicate, communicate, communicate, inside the lab, and beyond.

  • Celebrate a highly skilled workforce that embraces continuing learning and education.

  • Seek, unrelentingly, strong customer relations.

  • Are led by managers who enjoy their work and exhibit a passion and enthusiasm that inspires others.

  • Have benchmarks and processes in place to manage their business and measure its success.

  • Maximize lab time with controls in place in the event of unforeseen disruptions and “down time.”

 Do you have any others to add? We would like to hear from you and post them here. Drop us an email at info@gasgeneratorsolution.com with what makes your lab a strong lab.

 Look for our blogs and articles about “strong labs” here and on our LinkedIn page.